You want the best for your loved one.
When it comes to helping someone choose a Medicare plan, it is important to understand what options are available to them. With the right information and tools, you’ll be able to better care for your loved one’s health needs. We’re here to help, by providing you with Medicare information and resources for caregivers.
What is Medicare and how does it work?
Understanding Medicare is your first step to helping your loved one find the right coverage. There are many different options when it comes to Medicare, but we’ve got you covered with guides on Original Medicare and the different types of Medicare plans available.
When and how do I enroll my loved one in Medicare?
If your loved one is getting closer to 65, there are many ways to be prepared to assist them with Medicare. As a caregiver, you’ll need to keep an eye out for the important initial enrollment period dates and learn how to enroll your loved one in Medicare coverage when the time comes. Knowing more about aging into Medicare can also give you a good grasp on what to expect for your loved one.
How do I know what Medicare plan is best for my loved one?
There are several factors to consider when picking Medicare coverage that meets your loved one’s needs. Florida Blue Medicare has plans for everyone. Review our plans, figure out how to pick the right plan and download our selection tips to find the right fit for your loved one.
Tools you need to care for your loved one and yourself
Our Family Caregiver page has resources to help you manage your loved one’s health information and assist you in taking care of them. We also have some resources dedicated to taking care of you while you act as a caregiver.

Does Medicare pay for a caregiver?
While Medicare does cover some home health care services, it doesn’t cover an around-the-clock caregiver. Medicare covers part-time skilled nursing, durable medical equipment, medical supplies for the home and more. Visit the Medicare site to find out more about the home health services Medicare covers.
Focus on the Caregiver Journey
Florida Blue Medicare is a key partner in the MIT AgeLab's caregiving research initiative, called CareHive, which aims to find ways of improving quality of life for the older generation and their family caregivers. The MIT AgeLab's research in health wellbeing and caregiving integrates health awareness, new technologies and novel approaches to understanding human behavior. Together, we present our Modern Caregiving whitepaper, which highlights key insights about the unique experiences of caregivers and helpful tools and resources to help caregivers like you make better health decisions.
Modern Caregiving Guide

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Download a Medicare education guide.

Medicare Basics Guide
Florida Blue provides the information you need to choose the Medicare plan that meets your needs and budget. Download >

Medicare & You
U.S. government handbook on Medicare benefits, rights, and protections, available health plans and more. Download >

Medicare Planning Checklist
Florida Blue provides a checklist with the steps you need to get started with Medicare as you approach age 65. Download >

Get Ready for Medicare
U.S. government handbook explaining important decisions you need to make before Medicare coverage starts. Download >