Member Support
Just because things are opening back up, it doesn’t mean life is back to normal. It’s OK to go at your own pace and do what feels right to you as you ease into new routines. However, if COVID-19 concerns have put your care needs on hold, now’s the time to start prioritizing your health.
Questions about COVID-19 vaccines? Call our Hotline: 877-352-5830
Talk with a Florida Blue Center nurse one-on-one for personalized support and answers to your questions. We're here for you Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. even if you're not a Florida Blue member.
Coverage for COVID-19 testing and treatment
Consult with your doctor over the phone so they can determine next best steps if you’re experiencing mild to severe cough or difficulty breathing, or if you have a combination of at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell.
Note: Symptoms with the Delta variant are more typical of a common cold, so many people may ignore their symptoms. If you have “common cold” symptoms like a stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, it’s important to check with your doctor, consider COVID-19 testing, and avoid close contact with others until you are sure that it’s not COVID-19. Those who have breakthrough infection can transmit the virus to others.
The test is $0 for all members. Three vaccines have been approved by the FDA for emergency use during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Pfizer vaccine has received full FDA approval for people age 12 and older. These are available at no cost to you. Members are responsible for their normal cost share for all covered services for the treatment of COVID-19.
Virtual visits with your Florida Blue doctor
Now is the time to put the focus back on your health and well-being. It’s especially critical if you or a family member have canceled an appointment, have an underlying health condition or put off an annual checkup. Call your doctor to get care you may have been putting off and schedule a virtual visit.
We’ve made it easy to advantage of virtual visits and avoid a crowded office or possible exposure to the virus. A virtual sick visit or follow-up care is the same cost share as a regular office visit and you don't have to leave your home.
Get everyone’s care back on track with a virtual visit. It’s important to keep up with wellness checkups if you have kids, including routine vaccinations to help protect against other dangerous illnesses. Plus, it’s perfect timing to get school or sports physicals, or annual checkups for the adults, right from the comfort of your home, and wellness visits are at $0 cost share.
24/7 virtual visits with Teladoc
Many fully insured members have Teladoc virtual visits as a standard benefit. (Check with your company’s benefits administrator to see if this service is part of your plan.)
Before your first Teladoc visit, you’ll need to set up an account and share your medical history. Doing this ahead of time will fast-track your visit requests. You can set up your account on or in the app available in the Apple App or Google Play stores. Care is available in English and Spanish. Call Teladoc at 1-800-835-2362 if you have questions.
mySanitas Chat
You can download the mySanitas Chat app from the Apple App or Google Play stores. Care is available in English and Spanish. Visit mySanitas to learn more.
Helping you get the care you need
Get in touch with your doctor for the care you need, for both routine checkups or health concerns. Now is the time to contact them and make a plan together, centered on your continued care. It’s very important and nothing should stop you from getting the care you need.
- If COVID-19 concerns have put your care needs on hold, now’s the time to start prioritizing your health. This is especially critical if you or a family member have ongoing health conditions or have put off a medical procedure.
- Well child visits and routine immunizations are important, especially now. Children keep growing and it’s important they stay on track with checkups and vaccinations. Call your pediatrician or family doctor to see if your child is up to date with their vaccinations. Don’t put off this crucial care since it can help prevent against dangerous illnesses like meningitis, as well as measles and chicken pox.
- Our Florida Blue doctors and health care providers have continued to provide care during COVID-19 by doing virtual visits with our members. A lot of people have now tried virtual visits for the first time and liked the experience. You can still take advantage of virtual visits (same cost share as a regular office visit). Talk to your doctor about it.
- And for non-emergency health concerns when your doctor isn’t available, you can continue to use Teladoc at $0 cost share for 24/7 virtual care via phone, video or mobile app.
Call your doctor’s office first before you go to see them, so you know the precautions they’re asking their patients to follow.
- Is your doctor’s office open and do they have limited hours?
- Do you need to call when you get there? Be sure to wear your cloth face mask to your doctor’s visit.
Feeling worried? Help is just a phone call away.
Our locally based nurses, community specialists and service specialists are here to help. Our team can answer questions about COVID-19 vaccines or testing site locations, community resources, navigating the health care system, plus connect you to valuable community services and solutions right in your neighborhood to help fill gaps, whether you’re a member or not, with finding food, utility and rent assistance, and many other types of relief programs. Call us if we can help: 1-877-352-5830, TTY 711.

Helping You Stay Covered
For some, COVID-19 has affected their work and income, and maybe the ability to keep health coverage. If that describes you, then we’re here to help you find a more affordable plan that better fits your budget if you’re one of the many individuals who:
- Lost your employer health coverage because you no longer have a job
- Lost your employer coverage because your hours have been cut
- Lost your coverage because your employer isn’t offering coverage anymore; or
- Purchased coverage on your own but now are concerned if you can afford it because your income has dropped
And you may qualify for financial assistance to help pay for your premium. Most people do.

Additional Resources
If you have questions about COVID-19, have symptoms and need help finding a provider to do a COVID-19 test, or you have any other concerns, please call us at the number on the back of your member ID card so we can help. We also encourage you to talk with one of our local Florida Blue Center nurses at 1-877-352-5832. Additionally, here are several websites you can use to find the latest details:
Additionally, here are several websites you can use to find the latest details:
- Florida Department of Health updates or call their 24/7 COVID-19 Call Center at 1-866-779-6121
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updates or email them at
- Travel restrictions